Monday, February 10, 2014



 I have a small bird feeder. I got it from a friend as a Christmas present. This was the first bird feeder I have ever received as a present. I couldn't wait for the right time to stuff   food in its holes and hang it up on the tree in my little backyard. The present came with a special box of Birdacious Bark Butter ( It can't get more fancier and more nutritious than this. As the weather got colder, snow started falling, Tiger (my cat,) and I positioned ourselves close to the window. We were waiting for the chickadees to come to eat and sing. Tiger had his paws on the window seal; you can only see his head. I was holding on to him. If one was blinking, the other one was watching. 

This went on for almost a week. I was putting fresh food every day. The smell of the peanut butter penetrated the air. Still, there were no signs of any hungry birds around. 

As the temperature got below freezing point, I saw a whole flock of birds flying in direction towards our fence.  Soon I realized they came to eat from the huge beautiful bird feeder of our neighbors. I started developing theories why my food was not attractive. Well, it was not the standard bird food, it contained peanut butter, soy oil, calcium... Second, change in menu takes time. No need to panic. If one chickadee is smarter than the rest; "the word of peak" will spread.

My peanut bird feeder
The neighbors' big boy bird feeder

The waiting continued... The next day, something strange occurred. One bird landed on the fence and started singing. It was not a happy song; it was not a song about the gourmet food she has found.

The song was directed to me. The bird was telling me, "they are not ready for fancy food." "OK, I got it." I am still not losing hope. There has to be one, just one, who is not from Odenton; one, who is hungrier than the rest (may be from  Virginia, or Washington, D.C). 

Then, it will be my restaurant time!!!!!

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