Friday, June 13, 2014



Every one goes through divorce differently. But the story is not about the divorce. I wrote about it in a different post. This one is about the Divorce Car. 

Divorce and freedom are not always the exact opposite. Sometimes, it is so obvious that a divorce is needed, that one hand signs the papers, the other gets into your divorce-property car and smells the new air in the "new planet." You have just discovered "the planet of freedom." Remember the big Winnie-the-Pooh you slept next to in your childhood? When you immigrate, it may be left behind.... The toy may be sacrificed in the name of a sweater you may not have money to buy upon your arrival. It is the same with the divorce. You may leave behind some items you really love. 

But the car is not just an item. 

When I first moved to USA many years ago, I realized everyone has to have a car, unless you live in areas of the town where you can have your job and the stores next to your place of living.  This is very unlikely. The other important thing is that your husband has to have a separate car for himself; you have to have your own car. That makes divorcing car property easy. You [normally] get your car. 

This is how I ended up with my TOYOTA CAMRY -- 1996 model. I bought it spontaneously while I was still married. A co-worker told me about her desire to sell her one-month-old car and all I heard was being " black, Lexus engine, Toyota Camry." I never had a decent car until this moment. What attracted me was my memories of what Henry Ford's said, "It can be any color as long as it is black." That I remembered from a business professor. My first boss had a "Lexus" (I am not sure what model), but everyone was out to look at it with jealousy when he parked it slowly in front of the office. Finally, Toyota Corp. was running commercials about "Toyota Camry" being the best selling car in America for year after year.... SOLD! 

When I sat inside, OMG, it had AC, it had a CD player, it had a sun roof. How did I miss the sun roof? It is not a convertible to mess up your hair, but gives you enough air and sun to feel the air. 

This car is so faithful to me. It has 180,000 miles on it; does not burn oil, the engine runs like a young girl. Even the mechanic, who changes the oil is in love with her. He is already used to starting it and hearing some vicious rock 'n' roll coming out of it, such as 

These days, since I am not driving, my husband is driving the Camry. It likes to hang out and see what's going on in the car world, how many recalls are happening... There are plenty of '96 Camrys on the road. 

As for the Lexus engine -- I will not bet my bottom dollar on it.. It may have been a sales pitch. I still use it for my own satisfaction when people ask me how old the car is. Do I ask anyone how old they are? It is obvious, isn't it? 

Yes, there are purchases which we make at the lowest part of our lives. We connect with them emotionally. As long as we do not turn into hoarders, there is nothing wrong with that!

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